Signal Hill Brewery – St. John’s, Newfoundland

What could be more intriguing than an obscure brewery on Newfoundland’s iconic Signal Hill? Quite likely North America’s most easterly brewery at the time.

Chris Conway has posted a blog with much greater detail on German brewers in Newfoundland.

The Directory of Canadian Breweries (Past & Present)

Second Edition – 1996

Richard L. Sweet


4a        Lindberg, John                                                                                      1877-1893

4b        Lindberg & Backstorm: Signal Hill Brewery                                          1893-1895

4c        Lindberg & Franklin: Signal Hill Brewery                                               1895-1898

4d        Lindberg Brewing Co. Ltd.                                                                    1898-1917

lindberg-bavarian-beerSource: Sold on Ebay  Note: This image has been enhanced

lindberg-labelled-bottlejohn-lindberglindberg-franklinSource: Courtesy of John Wicks

John Wicks Archived Site

lindberg-advertSource: Courtesy of Chris Conway